On June 22, 2019 all four Mission Districts of the newly formed Atlantic Mission Region met at St. Luke Lutheran Church in Bloomsburg, PA to put the final seal on the realignment and celebrate our new restructuring with fellowship, worship and an opportunity to hear a conference from NALC Bishop The Rev. John Bradosky.
The building of St. Luke had been transformed for their upcoming VBS week, so it was incredible to see the Bishop, the Dean and other speakers in the chancel under a kapok tree surrounded by “wild” animals and a waterfall. The hallways were lined with animal silhouettes and the registration area was in a tiki hut. It was a most fitting backdrop for our celebration!
During the brief business meeting the newly revised AMR Constitution was approved. The newly elected AMR Council was installed during the uplifting and upbeat worship service. And the Bishop gave a very thoughtful and faithful conference on Baptism. It was a joyous day all around!
To hear Bishop John’s message please click here: www.stlukesway.org Scroll part way down the home page and the audio file will be there.
Pictures to come!