The Fullness of God’s Worship
Friday, October 22 – Saturday, October 23
Holy Cross ELC, Nazareth, PA
Click HERE to go to the dedicated YouTube page to view the streamed Convocation. Each section of the Convocation is separate so you may be able to watch it in manageable chunks.
Click HERE to view Pr. Christopher Porter’s PowerPoint on Traditional Worship. You may have to click the link twice for it to work. And you also may need to wait for a second or two for it to fully download.
Click HERE to view Pr. Porter’s video: A Demonstration on the Ceremonies of the Consecration
Click HERE to view Pr. Jay Jackson & Ryan McAllister’s PowerPoint on Contemporary Worship.

AMR Dean David McGettigan officially opening the 2021 Convocation.

The assembly listening to the Rev. Dr. Eric Riesen.

The Rev. Dr. Eric Riesen presenting his presentation.

The Rev. Christopher Porter presenting on traditional worship.

The Rev. Jay Jackson, Jr. presenting on contemporary worship.

Worship Leader Ryan McAllister presenting on contemporary wors

Seminarian Lara Bhasin presenting her reflections as a future worship leader.

The panel at the closing discussion

The Rev. Steve Shipman at his installation as new AMR Regional Dean

Pr. Steve Shipman and wife Linda at his installation as the new AMR Dean.

AMR Dean Steve Shipman (left) with newly retired AMR Dean David McGettigan (right)

Stuff the Truck for NALC Disaster Response

Stuff the Truck for NALC Disaster Response

Stuff the Truck for NALC Disaster Response

Stuffing the Truck for NALC Disaster Response

Presenting a financial gift to NALC Disaster Response.

The display room for NALC Ministry Partners and vendors

Pr. Mark Werner giving an update on NALC Disaster Response.

Host pastor and head tech guy the Rev. Brett Jenkins