About the Atlantic NALC
The North American Lutheran Church, or NALC, was founded in prayer in 2010, and is one of the fastest growing Christian communions in North America. The NALC has grown from a handful of charter congregations the last few months of 2010 to just under 400 congregations. We are confessional Lutherans, meaning we are orthodox Christians both in terms of belief and practice and take our confessional roots seriously. As Christians of the Lutheran confession, we of the NALC uphold the authority of the Bible as the inspired Word of God, the norm or standard by which our beliefs and practices are measured. The NALC is further committed to four central or core values. We are Christ-centered, mission-driven, traditionally-grounded, and congregationally-focused.
The Atlantic Mission District is the largest of the 31 mission districts of the NALC in terms of geographical area, ranging from the Canadian border to Washington, D.C. We are comprised of 27 congregations, some of which are brand new and others which have histories of two hundred years and more. Whether old or new, all of our congregations are focused on the Gospel of Jesus Christ, making disciples, and growing in the grace of God.
Please use this site to learn more about us, the NALC, the congregations of our mission district, and our faith. Again, welcome.
Our Mission & Vision
The mission of the Atlantic Mission District of the North American Lutheran Church is to preach Christ crucified for the forgiveness of sin and the promise of eternal life. It is the same mission as that given to the Church as a whole, to “make disciples of all nations.” What distinguishes our mission from that of the wider Church is geography; our mission field consists of the five states that comprise the Atlantic Mission District: Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, New Jersey, New York, and Connecticut. As a means to that end, we are also responsible for aiding the Bishop’s office in the administration of the Mission District through the office of the Dean, currently the Rev. David McGettigan. Please contact the Dean for information about becoming a part of the NALC if you or members of your congregation are feeling the call of the Holy Spirit to a Lutheran expression of the Church that is faithful to the Word of God and filled with the joy of his Holy Spirit.
In that vein, our vision of the Atlantic Mission District is that of a “congregation” of congregations, united by Word and Sacrament, our commitment to the making of disciples of Jesus Christ, and the sharing with one another the practices that nurture faith and the challenges of faithfulness in our time.